The viscometer is an instrument used to measure the viscosity of fluids (liquids and gases).

The Concept Of Viscosity

The liquid in the flow, the nature of internal friction between its molecules, known as the viscosity of the liquid, the size of the viscosity expressed in terms of viscosity, is used to characterize the nature of the liquid related to the resistance factor. Insulating oil viscosity and general liquid viscosity concept are the same, that is, the internal friction of the liquid, that is, the insulating oil under the action of external forces, for relative laminar flow movement. Insulating oil molecules ask about the nature of internal friction resistance. The greater the internal friction of the insulating oil, the greater the viscosity, the more difficult the flow, and poor heat dissipation performance.

Viscosity is expressed in more ways and can be broadly divided into two categories: viscosity directly measured according to the definition of viscosity is called "absolute viscosity", such as dynamic viscosity, kinematic viscosity, etc. If the viscosity measured under certain conditions and the known viscosity of the liquid comparison is called "relative viscosity" or "condition viscosity", such as the En's viscosity.

According to the measurement method, viscosity is generally divided into three types: kinetic viscosity, kinematic viscosity, and Ennis viscosity.

The Usage Method Of Viscometer

(1) . The viscometer must be kept horizontal.

(2) . The rotor should be placed in the sample to avoid air bubbles, otherwise, the measured viscosity value will be reduced, the way to avoid this is to put the rotor into the sample at an angle, then install the rotor, the rotor must not touch the wall and bottom of the cup, the measured sample must not exceed the specified scale.

(3) . When measuring different samples again, the rotor must be kept clean and dry, if the rotor is left with other samples or water left after cleaning, it will affect the accuracy of the measurement.

(4) . Acidity (PH) should not exceed a maximum of 2. If the acidity is too large a special rotor should be used and a good sample volume (only 16 ml) should be determined when using the ULA.

(5) . The viscosity standards are selected according to the measured viscosity range, and the instruments are verified before each use of the viscometer or rheometer, or calibrated periodically to ensure the accuracy of the measurement. Silicone oil or oil standards conforming to Newtonian fluid properties are available for each viscosity range with an accuracy of ±1%. The recommended use period for viscosity standards is one year from opening.

(6) . When connecting the rotor, you should gently hold and pinch the mandrel (on the main body) with your left hand, and rotate the rotor with your right hand. This operation is to protect the mandrel and the balance wire inside the body, which can prolong the service life of the viscometer.

(7) . The value should be taken when the value is relatively stable, otherwise, there will be a large error in the value obtained.

(8) . When choosing a rotor, look at the viscosity of the sample being measured and the number of rotors that have the closest measurement range.

Viscometer-1        Viscometer-2        Viscometer-3

The Application Of Viscometer

In practical engineering and industrial production, viscometers are often required to measure the viscosity of fluids online to ensure the best process operating environment and product quality, thereby improving production efficiency. The online measurement of fluid viscosity in a process provides data on the rheological behavior of the fluid, which is an important guide for predicting the process control, transportability, and operability of the product in use. The properties of the liquid are often related to other characteristics of the product such as color, density, stability, solid content, and molecular weight changes, and the most convenient and sensitive way to detect these characteristics is to test the viscosity of the liquid online. The most convenient and sensitive way to test these properties is to test the viscosity of liquids online. In the production process, online viscosity testing can minimize the scrap rate and production line downtime according to the range of process technology requirements.

The above is a brief introduction to viscometer, if you have more ideas about viscometer, welcome to consult and discuss them.

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